List of lessons about the sounds of English
The pronunciation of the alphabet
Here is the alphabet and its phonetic symbols
Listen to the alphabet
The pronunciation table: vowels and consonants
Here's the list of the sounds in the English language
Lesson 1:PAN/PAIN updated
Lesson 1 correction
Decode the sentences written in phonetics
Test correction
Lesson 2:BEST/PEST updated
Lesson 2 best pest
Listening exercise
Lesson 2 correction
Phonetic test 2
Rewrite the sentences written in phonetics
Phonetic test 2 correction
Lesson 3:SUE/ZOO updated
The consonants /s/ and /z/
Rules and exercises
Lesson 3 Ex 2
Lesson 3 answers
Phonetic test 3
Rewrite the sentences written in phonetics
Phonetic test 3 correction
Lesson 4: DOWN TOWN updated
The consonant sounds /d/ and /t/
Rules and exercises
Lesson 4 exercise 3
Lesson 4 answers
Phonetic test 4
Rewrite the sentences written in phonetics
Phonetic test 4 correction
Lesson 5: SEAT SET updated
The vowel sounds /i:/ and /e/
Rules and exercises
Alphabet exercise
Lesson 5 correction
Phonetic test 5
Rewrite the sentences written in phonetics
Phonetic test 5 correction
The unstressed vowels
Rules and exercises
Lesson 6 exercise 3
Lesson 6 correction
Phonetic test 6
Rewrite the sentences written in phonetics in English
Phonetic test 6 correction
Lesson 7: FEW VIEW WINE updated
The consonant sounds /f/ /v/ /w/
Correction of the exercises
Phonetic test 7
Rewrite the messages
Phonetic test 7 correction
Lesson 8: CAP GAP HAT
The consonant sounds /k/ /g/ and /h/
Rules and exercises
Lesson 8 Exercise 4
Lesson 8 answers
Lesson 9: YEAR
The consonant sound /j/
Rules and exercises
Lesson 9 correction
Lesson 10: Phonetic test
Phonetic test
Decode the messages written in phonetics
Test correction
Lesson 11: Time Tim
Rules and exercises
Lesson 11 Ex 4
Lesson 11 correction
Rules and exercises
Lesson 12 Ex 3
Lesson 12 Ex 4
Lesson 12 Ex 5
Lesson 12 correction
Rules and exercises
Lesson 13 Ex 5
Lesson 13 correction
Lesson 14: BAR BARE
Rules and exercises
Lesson 14 ex 2
Lesson 14 correction
Lesson 15: SOME SUN SUNG
Rules and exercises
Lesson 15 Ex 2
Lesson 15 correction
Lesson 16: COAT COT
Rules and exercises
Lesson 16 Exercise 2
Lesson 16 correction
The answers are in red
Rules and exercises
Lesson 17 ex 3
Lesson 17 correction
Lesson 18: BUN BULL BOON
Rules and exercises
Lesson 18 correction
Lesson 19: SHIRT SHORT
Rules and exercises
Lesson 19 correction
Lesson 20: COY COW
Rules and exercises
Lesson 20 Ex 3
Lesson 20 Ex 4
Lesson 20 correction
Lesson 21: Introducing syllables
Rules and exercises