List of lessons about the sounds of English
Phonetic table of contentsPDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 21.9 KB

The pronunciation of the alphabet

Here is the alphabet and its phonetic symbols
Alphabet in phonetic.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 15.8 KB
Listen to the alphabet
The alphabet.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 667.0 KB

The pronunciation table: vowels and consonants

Here's the list of the sounds in the English language
Pronunciation table PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 34.5 KB

Lesson 1:PAN/PAIN updated

Lesson 1 pan and pain.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 12.1 KB
Lesson 1 pan and pain
Listening exercise
Ex 4 dictation.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 382.1 KB
Lesson 1 correction
Lesson 1 pan and pain correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 24.0 KB
Decode the sentences written in phonetics
Phonetic test 1 PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 15.2 KB
Test correction
Document Microsoft Word 19.0 KB

Lesson 2:BEST/PEST updated

Lesson 2 BEST PEST.doc
Document Microsoft Word 22.5 KB
Lesson 2 best pest
Listening exercise
Lesson 2 BEST PEST ex 3.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 328.2 KB
Lesson 2 correction
Lesson 2 BEST PEST correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 22.5 KB
Phonetic test 2
Rewrite the sentences written in phonetics
Phonetic test 2 PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 14.6 KB
Phonetic test 2 correction
Phonetic test 2 correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 19.0 KB

Lesson 3:SUE/ZOO updated

The consonants /s/ and /z/
Rules and exercises
Lesson 3 Sue zoo.doc
Document Microsoft Word 32.0 KB
Lesson 3 Ex 2
Lesson 3 ex 2.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 220.4 KB
Lesson 3 answers
Lesson 3 Sue zoo correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 32.5 KB
Phonetic test 3
Rewrite the sentences written in phonetics
Phonetic test 3 PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 15.5 KB
Phonetic test 3 correction
Phonetic test 3 correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 19.0 KB

Lesson 4: DOWN TOWN updated

The consonant sounds /d/ and /t/
Rules and exercises
Lesson 4 Down Town.doc
Document Microsoft Word 29.0 KB
Lesson 4 exercise 3
Lesson 4 ex 3.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 287.0 KB
Lesson 4 answers
Lesson 4 Down Town correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 29.5 KB
Phonetic test 4
Rewrite the sentences written in phonetics
Phonetic test 4 PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 15.3 KB
Phonetic test 4 correction
Phonetic test 4 correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 19.5 KB

Lesson 5: SEAT SET updated

The vowel sounds /i:/ and /e/
Rules and exercises
Lesson 5 SEAT SET.doc
Document Microsoft Word 34.0 KB
Alphabet exercise
The alphabet.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 667.0 KB
Lesson 5 correction
Lesson 5 SEAT SET correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 34.0 KB
Phonetic test 5
Rewrite the sentences written in phonetics
Phonetic test 5 PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 15.4 KB
Phonetic test 5 correction
Phonetic test 5 correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 19.0 KB


The unstressed vowels
Rules and exercises
Document Microsoft Word 23.5 KB
Lesson 6 exercise 3
Lesson 6 Ex 3.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 522.1 KB
Lesson 6 correction
Lesson 6 CARROT CABBAGE correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 25.0 KB
Phonetic test 6
Rewrite the sentences written in phonetics in English
Phonetic test 6PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 16.1 KB
Phonetic test 6 correction
Phonetic test 6 correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 19.5 KB

Lesson 7: FEW VIEW WINE updated

The consonant sounds /f/ /v/ /w/
Lesson 7 FEW VEW WINE.doc
Document Microsoft Word 20.5 KB
Lesson 7 Ex 3.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 467.4 KB
Correction of the exercises
Lesson 7 FEW VEW WINE correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 21.5 KB
Phonetic test 7
Rewrite the messages
Phonetic test 7PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 19.3 KB
Phonetic test 7 correction
Phonetic test 7 correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 26.5 KB

Lesson 8: CAP GAP HAT

The consonant sounds /k/ /g/ and /h/
Rules and exercises
Document Microsoft Word 22.5 KB
Lesson 8 Exercise 4
Lesson 8 ex 4.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 465.3 KB
Lesson 8 answers
LESSON 8 CAP GAP HAT correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 23.0 KB

Lesson 9: YEAR

The consonant sound /j/
Rules and exercises
Document Microsoft Word 19.5 KB
Lesson 9 correction
LESSON 9 YEAR correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 20.0 KB

Lesson 10: Phonetic test

Phonetic test
Decode the messages written in phonetics
Document Adobe Acrobat 19.9 KB
Test correction
Document Microsoft Word 22.5 KB

Lesson 11: Time Tim

Rules and exercises
Lesson 11 TIME TIM PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 12.6 KB
Lesson 11 Ex 4
Lesson 11 Ex 4.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 404.1 KB
Lesson 11 correction
Lesson 11 TIME TIM correction.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 13.1 KB


Rules and exercises
Lesson 12 CHEAP JEEP SHEEP.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 12.9 KB
Lesson 12 Ex 3
Lesson 12 ex 3.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 290.6 KB
Lesson 12 Ex 4
Lesson 12 ex 4.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 337.2 KB
Lesson 12 Ex 5
Lesson 12 ex 5.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 265.3 KB
Lesson 12 correction
Lesson 12 CHEAP JEEP SHEEP correction PD
Document Adobe Acrobat 51.7 KB


Rules and exercises
LESSON 13 Collect Correct.doc
Document Microsoft Word 29.5 KB
Lesson 13 Ex 5
Lesson 13 Ex 5.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 315.1 KB
Lesson 13 correction
LESSON 13 Collect Correct correction.doc
Document Microsoft Word 30.5 KB

Lesson 14: BAR BARE

Rules and exercises
Lesson 14 BAR BARE PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 9.4 KB
Lesson 14 ex 2
Lesson 14 Ex 2.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 336.4 KB
Lesson 14 correction
Lesson 14 BAR BARE correction PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 9.9 KB

Lesson 15: SOME SUN SUNG

Rules and exercises
Lesson 15 SOME SUN SUNG PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 9.8 KB
Lesson 15 Ex 2
Lesson 15 ex 2.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 348.2 KB
Lesson 15 correction
Lesson 15 SOME SUN SUNG correction PDF.p
Document Adobe Acrobat 10.0 KB

Lesson 16: COAT COT

Rules and exercises
Lesson 16 COAT COT PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 8.6 KB
Lesson 16 Exercise 2
Lesson 16 exercise 2.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 383.3 KB
Lesson 16 correction
The answers are in red
Lesson 16 COAT COT correction PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 8.9 KB


Rules and exercises
Document Adobe Acrobat 9.9 KB
Lesson 17 ex 3
Lesson 17 ex 3.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 294.7 KB
Lesson 17 correction
Lesson 17 BREATHE BREATH correction PDF.
Document Adobe Acrobat 10.3 KB

Lesson 18: BUN BULL BOON

Rules and exercises
Lesson 18 BUN BULL BOON PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 9.6 KB
Lesson 18 correction
Lesson 18 BUN BULL BOON correction PDF.p
Document Adobe Acrobat 9.9 KB

Lesson 19: SHIRT SHORT

Rules and exercises
Lesson 19 SHIRT SHORT PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 10.2 KB
Lesson 19 correction
Lesson 19 SHIRT SHORT correction PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 10.9 KB

Lesson 20: COY COW

Rules and exercises
Document Adobe Acrobat 15.1 KB
Lesson 20 Ex 3
Lesson 20 Ex 3.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 411.0 KB
Lesson 20 Ex 4
Lesson 20 Ex 4.mp3
Fichier Audio MP3 475.9 KB
Lesson 20 correction
LESSON 20 COY COW correction PDF.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 15.4 KB

Lesson 21: Introducing syllables

Rules and exercises
Unit 21 Introducing syllables.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 937.6 KB